Bashing White women as 'degenerate sluts responsible for the invasion because they're eager to import subhumans for sex' has zero value for the Cause. It is merely a release of frustration by sex-starved betas. It's anti-White propaganda that has little basis in fact.
An article by someone "on our side", based on a more objective article, felt the need to add comments like:
"Is this why women are so eager to import these Third World migrants?"
"This is some of the first hard evidence "Refugees Welcome" really means "Refugees Welcome in my vag."
The gist of articles like this isn't that we should condemn the few perverse White women who do this (of course we should); rather, it's that White women in general are sluts whom we should blame for the invasion.
Blaming our women for the invasion obviously isn't going to impress deluded normies who don't think there's anything wrong with it in the first place, who think nonwhites are the same as us 'on the inside' and therefore should be welcomed. Saying White women are degenerates will, if anything, just give them another reason to hate themselves and think we're stupid for wanting to exclude nonwhites as 'inferior'.
And it doesn't boost the morale of men like myself who are in this Cause mainly Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth.
We must in the first place inform the deluded normies that nonwhites aren't really the same as us 'on the inside'. We must emphasize that the act of miscegenation is degenerate -- not White women (or men) in general. Some of our people have been deluded to engage in perversity, and we must put the blame for the delusion and for the invasion where it belongs: the tribe's academia and media.
That quotation I cited above admitted that there is little real evidence that large numbers of White women lust for these filthy rapefugees. It's mostly a sick porn fantasy that perverts like to conjure up. Polls show, to the contrary, that women oppose immigration more than men do.
Above all, men who want to lash out with their frustrations at women need to appreciate that women are an integral part - the most beautiful part in fact - of the single biological organism that is our race. We can't expel them. To bash them is to bash ourselves. The Chosen and their deluded SJWs are doing a good enough job of that as it is; do we need to pitch in and help? Let's unite and beat them, instead.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Monday, August 1, 2016
The Eight Traditional European Celebrations of the Seasons
The Wheel of the Year: A look into Europe's ancient traditions and myths, that illuminate her time-honored values.
Indigenous Europeans traditionally celebrate eight holidays whose dates are set by significant positions of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun. These positions are the two Solstices, the two Equinoxes, and the four cross-quarter points in between them. These positions of the Earth signify points in the cycle of the seasons, which in turn were linked with the agricultural lives of our ancestors. Before they created modern technology, the lives of our ancestors literally hung in the balance each year according to the fortunes of the weather and their crops. When your food stores have dwindled down to the corner of your cellar and there are no grocery stores, the rising of the Sun and blossoming of life in the Spring is truly a cause for celebration.
Our European ancestors lived closely in touch with the Earth up until fairly recent times. While Mediterranean and Asian civilizations had long practiced floodplain agriculture that supported large cities, mainland Europeans remained a rural, woodland people running small farms until the Industrial Age. Northern Europe had abundant primary resources, but its cold climate, thick forests and heavily vegetated soils made successful farming a challenge. With the weather changing radically throughout the year, preparation for the future, disciplined work habits and creative innovation were essential. Households tended to be independent, in charge of their own fortunes, and it was sometimes necessary to seek the help and cooperation of neighbors. The seasonal holidays were ideal occasions for such concourse.
Several themes, reflecting European values, are interwoven throughout these celebrations. The need to promote cooperation and unity in the community. The need for careful reflection, assessment, and planning. The need to periodically clean up our refuse and bring order to our lives. The need for frugality, to "save up for a rainy day". And the need to occasionally let go and have fun, to explore, to enjoy the beauty of the Earth, the pleasures of life, and pride in our work and accomplishment. Lost in the madness of the modern world, we would do well to consider the lessons garnered by our forebears.

Imbolc, occuring at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, on February 2, commemorates the first signs of the coming Spring. The rising Sun begins to turn the tide against the darkness and cold of Winter. Imbolc is the holiday of Brigid, the Goddess of Home and Hearth, of poetry and smithcraft, who brings us fortune for the coming year. The name Imbolc derives from Old Irish words meaning 'the time the sheep's milk comes'. The lactation of ewes in anticipation of birthing is a sign of Spring's awakening. Ewe's milk provided the first fresh nourishment for our ancestors since the onset of Winter. Other signs are buds on trees, early flowers such as primroses and dandelions peeking through the snow, and the emergence of a few hibernating animals to check on the weather, such as the famous groundhog.
A tradition of Imbolc is to make a straw dolly representing Brigid, called a Brideog, to use for various rituals. The dolly is dressed in white cloth and adorned with ribbons, early flowers, stones, or shells, with an especially lovely ornament in place of the heart. Young girls of the village, dressed in white, carry it from house to house to offer blessings and receive gifts. Brideogs are placed in a special bed overnight with white candles lit nearby, blessing the house with health and protection for the coming year. Candles may be lit in each room of the house, to commemorate the growing light of the Sun.
Imbolc is a time of hope and preparation, to dedicate oneself to the coming challenges of the growing season. Time to get one's life in order, to bless the seeds, to ready the tools. Time to clean up and prepare a new start. Winter grows long, life begins to stir.

Ostara is a celebration of the Vernal Equinox and the arrival of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, on about March 21. The Northern and Southern Hemispheres are equidistant from the Sun and share the light equally. The length of the day, which began growing longer on Yule (the Winter Solstice), equals and will exceed the length of the night. The light and warmth of the day, embodied by the Goddess Eostre, has overtaken the night. She heralds the long-awaited return of Nature's life-giving growing season.
Eostre is the Germanic Goddess of the Spring and Dawn, who returns to Earth on the Vernal Equinox with a bunny companion and magical eggs that regenerate life. The Easter Bunny has the same German origin. A primary festivity is decorating eggs, symbols of fertility and reawakened life, which will be exchanged to bring blessings of abundance. New clothing is worn, and pastel colors are the fashion.
Ostara is also associated with balance and harmony, a time for cleaning up and getting back in touch with the Earth. Balance is symbolized by the Equilateral Cross. A custom originating with the Saxons is to eat hot buns marked with a cross, to honor Eostre. It is time to plant the seeds, to start a garden, to prepare the season's crop.

Beltane, of May 1, also known as May Day, is a celebration of fertility, sensuality and the coming of Summer. For the Celts, Beltane represents the midpoint of the year, the beginning of the Light half. Beltane is an 'in between' time when the veil separating the spirit world is thin, and magic can be found in bonfires, sacred waters, and visiting faeries. A central event of Beltane is the Maypole dance, wherein brightly colored, interwoven ribbons symbolize the fecundity of early Summer, adding energy to it.
A variety of merry traditions are practiced on Beltane. Great ceremonial fires are lit on the eve, while all domestic fires are extinguised and will be restarted from its embers. Young couples in love jump over the fires to bring good fortune, and herds of livestock are passed between them before being taken to Summer grazing grounds, to be blessed with health and protection. Ceremonial bathing in natural waters or sprinkling in dew collected before dawn, can bring health, beauty and happiness for the year.
A May Queen and consort are chosen to lead marches and announce the games. Wishes made to the faeries at a Hawthorn tree may be granted, and offerings of sweet bread and drinks are left for them on doorsteps and roadways. Flowers are gathered in May baskets to be presented to loved ones, or used to decorate the Maypole and revelers' clothing for the dances. It is a time to set aside one's inhibitions, to run wild and play joyfully amidst the Earth's flourishing beauty.

Litha, on about June 21, is a celebration of the Summer Solstice. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted closest to the Sun, the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, and we have our longest day of the year. The Sun's arc then begins to fall, as the slow journey toward Yule begins. In Celtic tradition, the Holly King of the waning Sun, associated with the harvest and the wisdom of preparing for the future, now defeats and replaces the Oak King of the waxing Sun who has ruled since Yule.
Litha traditions include holding a fire festival, enjoying the first fruits of the growing season, and consummating love matches through marriage. Balefires made of hay are lit across the country. Set against the sky on hilltops, they are kept burning throughout the day, giving protection against evil spirits associated with the downturn of the Sun. As at Beltane, jumping campfires will bring you good fortune.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly strawberries, are gathered for a feast, along with wild herbs and plants having ritual or medicinal purposes. Honey from beehives is harvested and made into honey wine, Mead. The Full Moon closest to Litha is traditionally called the Mead Moon, from whence we get the term Honeymoon. Litha is a propitious time to have a wedding. It's an occasion to enjoy the outdoors with family, to have a picnic and barbecue.

Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is an August 1 celebration of the first harvest of the season, particularly the golden bounty of wheat and bread. Lugh is the Celtic God of the Sun and Rain, and of crafts and agriculture. His blessing will bring you a bountiful Autumn crop. The first grain produce of the year is eaten on Lughnasadh; it's bad luck to eat it before now.
A tradition of Lughnasadh is to shape the first bread as a dolly and ritually sacrifice it, as death is an essential part of the cycle of rebirth. Another tradition is to gather bilberries; if the bilberries are bountiful then the crop will be also. Lughnasadh is an auspicious time for handfasting, trial marriages that last for a year and a day. Handfasts give young couples an opportunity to get to know one another before fully committing to marriage.
Great craft fairs were held on Lughnasad, gaily decorated with bright ribbons. They included sporting contests similar to the Olympic games. The festivities were considered funeral games to honor Lugh's foster-mother Tailte, who died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agriculture. Medieval guilds created elaborate displays of their wares, musicians played lively, and artists performed plays and dances. The Lughnasad festival is an opportunity to make merry before beginning in earnest the grueling work of the harvest.

Mabon commemorates the Autumn Equinox and culmination of the harvest, on about September 23. A fabulous feast will be held, similar to Thanksgiving. The Earth has reached the point in its revolution at which each hemisphere is equidistant from the Sun, and everyone's day and night is the same length. Our days will now become shorter than the nights, as Winter approaches. The majority of the year's crops have been gathered, and it's time to celebrate, take stock, and give thanks for the year's blessings.
Hospitality is in the air on Mabon. Members of family and community, including those less fortunate, are invited to share in the season's bounty. The featured deserts are fruits and gourds, such as apples, grapes, and the wine made from it. A Mabon tradition is to honor the deceased by visiting burial sites, placing upon them an apple or other natural item. It is taboo to pass by a gravesite and not do so. At dinner time, fond stories are told of those who passed away during the year, and of more distant ancestors.

Samhain, of October 31, commemorates the transition from Summer to Winter, and the start of the Celtic New Year. The transition between the Light and Dark halves of the year is a magical time, and so celebrations peak on the night of the last day in October. During this period, the worlds of the living and the dead are in contact and can be traversed. We among the living can be visited by departed loved ones and ancestors, but also by mischievous or downright evil spirits.
Bright sign posts are set outside the home in the form of white candles and jack-o-lanterns, to guide home loved ones and to ward off mischievous spirits. People do not roam outdoors on this night except in disguise, and treats are offered to placate any unwelcomed wanderers from the other world. Inside, a meal and an open place at the dinner table are prepared for family members who have departed.
A central feature of Samhain is a great bonfire tended by Druids. Hearth fires are extinguished from each home and then re-lit from this central fire, as a symbol of village unity. The bonfires serve several other purposes, as well. They are a source of light in the night and a defence against malevolent spirits and the cold of Winter. They are a place to cast tokens such as bones, stones or chestnuts, to divine the future based on how these are rendered by the fire. Finally, the ashes of the bonfire are spread over the fields to bless them for the next season.

Yule, on December 21, is the great occasion, the Winter Solstice, on which the Sun ceases its decline and gladly begins to rise again! It's the shortest day of the year, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted farthest from the Sun and the Sun's arc has reached its nadir, appearing very low in Northern lands. But its rising heralds a new year of life and sustenance on Earth. Most Yule traditions have origins where the decline of the Sun is felt most keenly, in Scandinavia.
Scandinavian Yule traditions include its name, the Yule log, the decorated tree, the wreath, caroling, and Santa Claus. The Yule log, originally a full-sized log set in a long house, is set to burn and smolder for twelve days to add energy to the growing Sun. A hardy evergreen tree is brought indoors and decorated with candles, nuts, berries and other objects that symbolize light and life. Wreaths of evergreen, holly, and ivy are hung, shaped as circles representing the renewed cycle of life and the seasons. Caroling originated as wassailing, in which singers went from house to house addressing their music to the dormant fruit trees, to promote a good crop for the next season. The modern Santa Claus originated from the Norse gods Odin or Thor, who flew across the Northern skies in a chariot pulled by goats and visited homes through the chimney, bearing gifts.
In Celtic tradition, the god of the waning Sun who ascended at Midsummer, the Holly King, is vanquished and replaced on Yule by the god of the waxing Sun, the Oak King. The outgoing Holly King is represented by a wreath of Holly set at the door, while the incoming Oak King is represented by an Oak Yule log brought indoors. The struggle between them is ritually reenacted. This interchanging of their lives represents the necessary cycle of decay and renewal.
Yule is a time to celebrate the blessings we've received, our good fortune to enjoy another year of life. It's a time to strengthen the bonds of family and community through feasting, singing, and exchanging gifts. A time to reflect on how we can improve our lives and relationships, to enjoy the blessings of life in the coming year.

Our European ancestors lived closely in touch with the Earth up until fairly recent times. While Mediterranean and Asian civilizations had long practiced floodplain agriculture that supported large cities, mainland Europeans remained a rural, woodland people running small farms until the Industrial Age. Northern Europe had abundant primary resources, but its cold climate, thick forests and heavily vegetated soils made successful farming a challenge. With the weather changing radically throughout the year, preparation for the future, disciplined work habits and creative innovation were essential. Households tended to be independent, in charge of their own fortunes, and it was sometimes necessary to seek the help and cooperation of neighbors. The seasonal holidays were ideal occasions for such concourse.
Several themes, reflecting European values, are interwoven throughout these celebrations. The need to promote cooperation and unity in the community. The need for careful reflection, assessment, and planning. The need to periodically clean up our refuse and bring order to our lives. The need for frugality, to "save up for a rainy day". And the need to occasionally let go and have fun, to explore, to enjoy the beauty of the Earth, the pleasures of life, and pride in our work and accomplishment. Lost in the madness of the modern world, we would do well to consider the lessons garnered by our forebears.

A tradition of Imbolc is to make a straw dolly representing Brigid, called a Brideog, to use for various rituals. The dolly is dressed in white cloth and adorned with ribbons, early flowers, stones, or shells, with an especially lovely ornament in place of the heart. Young girls of the village, dressed in white, carry it from house to house to offer blessings and receive gifts. Brideogs are placed in a special bed overnight with white candles lit nearby, blessing the house with health and protection for the coming year. Candles may be lit in each room of the house, to commemorate the growing light of the Sun.
Imbolc is a time of hope and preparation, to dedicate oneself to the coming challenges of the growing season. Time to get one's life in order, to bless the seeds, to ready the tools. Time to clean up and prepare a new start. Winter grows long, life begins to stir.

Eostre is the Germanic Goddess of the Spring and Dawn, who returns to Earth on the Vernal Equinox with a bunny companion and magical eggs that regenerate life. The Easter Bunny has the same German origin. A primary festivity is decorating eggs, symbols of fertility and reawakened life, which will be exchanged to bring blessings of abundance. New clothing is worn, and pastel colors are the fashion.
Ostara is also associated with balance and harmony, a time for cleaning up and getting back in touch with the Earth. Balance is symbolized by the Equilateral Cross. A custom originating with the Saxons is to eat hot buns marked with a cross, to honor Eostre. It is time to plant the seeds, to start a garden, to prepare the season's crop.

A variety of merry traditions are practiced on Beltane. Great ceremonial fires are lit on the eve, while all domestic fires are extinguised and will be restarted from its embers. Young couples in love jump over the fires to bring good fortune, and herds of livestock are passed between them before being taken to Summer grazing grounds, to be blessed with health and protection. Ceremonial bathing in natural waters or sprinkling in dew collected before dawn, can bring health, beauty and happiness for the year.
A May Queen and consort are chosen to lead marches and announce the games. Wishes made to the faeries at a Hawthorn tree may be granted, and offerings of sweet bread and drinks are left for them on doorsteps and roadways. Flowers are gathered in May baskets to be presented to loved ones, or used to decorate the Maypole and revelers' clothing for the dances. It is a time to set aside one's inhibitions, to run wild and play joyfully amidst the Earth's flourishing beauty.

Litha traditions include holding a fire festival, enjoying the first fruits of the growing season, and consummating love matches through marriage. Balefires made of hay are lit across the country. Set against the sky on hilltops, they are kept burning throughout the day, giving protection against evil spirits associated with the downturn of the Sun. As at Beltane, jumping campfires will bring you good fortune.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly strawberries, are gathered for a feast, along with wild herbs and plants having ritual or medicinal purposes. Honey from beehives is harvested and made into honey wine, Mead. The Full Moon closest to Litha is traditionally called the Mead Moon, from whence we get the term Honeymoon. Litha is a propitious time to have a wedding. It's an occasion to enjoy the outdoors with family, to have a picnic and barbecue.

A tradition of Lughnasadh is to shape the first bread as a dolly and ritually sacrifice it, as death is an essential part of the cycle of rebirth. Another tradition is to gather bilberries; if the bilberries are bountiful then the crop will be also. Lughnasadh is an auspicious time for handfasting, trial marriages that last for a year and a day. Handfasts give young couples an opportunity to get to know one another before fully committing to marriage.
Great craft fairs were held on Lughnasad, gaily decorated with bright ribbons. They included sporting contests similar to the Olympic games. The festivities were considered funeral games to honor Lugh's foster-mother Tailte, who died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agriculture. Medieval guilds created elaborate displays of their wares, musicians played lively, and artists performed plays and dances. The Lughnasad festival is an opportunity to make merry before beginning in earnest the grueling work of the harvest.

Hospitality is in the air on Mabon. Members of family and community, including those less fortunate, are invited to share in the season's bounty. The featured deserts are fruits and gourds, such as apples, grapes, and the wine made from it. A Mabon tradition is to honor the deceased by visiting burial sites, placing upon them an apple or other natural item. It is taboo to pass by a gravesite and not do so. At dinner time, fond stories are told of those who passed away during the year, and of more distant ancestors.

Bright sign posts are set outside the home in the form of white candles and jack-o-lanterns, to guide home loved ones and to ward off mischievous spirits. People do not roam outdoors on this night except in disguise, and treats are offered to placate any unwelcomed wanderers from the other world. Inside, a meal and an open place at the dinner table are prepared for family members who have departed.
A central feature of Samhain is a great bonfire tended by Druids. Hearth fires are extinguished from each home and then re-lit from this central fire, as a symbol of village unity. The bonfires serve several other purposes, as well. They are a source of light in the night and a defence against malevolent spirits and the cold of Winter. They are a place to cast tokens such as bones, stones or chestnuts, to divine the future based on how these are rendered by the fire. Finally, the ashes of the bonfire are spread over the fields to bless them for the next season.

Scandinavian Yule traditions include its name, the Yule log, the decorated tree, the wreath, caroling, and Santa Claus. The Yule log, originally a full-sized log set in a long house, is set to burn and smolder for twelve days to add energy to the growing Sun. A hardy evergreen tree is brought indoors and decorated with candles, nuts, berries and other objects that symbolize light and life. Wreaths of evergreen, holly, and ivy are hung, shaped as circles representing the renewed cycle of life and the seasons. Caroling originated as wassailing, in which singers went from house to house addressing their music to the dormant fruit trees, to promote a good crop for the next season. The modern Santa Claus originated from the Norse gods Odin or Thor, who flew across the Northern skies in a chariot pulled by goats and visited homes through the chimney, bearing gifts.
In Celtic tradition, the god of the waning Sun who ascended at Midsummer, the Holly King, is vanquished and replaced on Yule by the god of the waxing Sun, the Oak King. The outgoing Holly King is represented by a wreath of Holly set at the door, while the incoming Oak King is represented by an Oak Yule log brought indoors. The struggle between them is ritually reenacted. This interchanging of their lives represents the necessary cycle of decay and renewal.
Yule is a time to celebrate the blessings we've received, our good fortune to enjoy another year of life. It's a time to strengthen the bonds of family and community through feasting, singing, and exchanging gifts. A time to reflect on how we can improve our lives and relationships, to enjoy the blessings of life in the coming year.

Friday, July 15, 2016
14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America
America had a long history of population displacements before modern Europeans arrived and built the United States.
There were multiple peoples and cultures who lived in North America before the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Some were relatively advanced, and were evidently destroyed and replaced by later-arriving Amerinds. Some of them were evidently (Proto-) European, and Whites may have arrived in America before the Asiatic Amerinds. Some of the Amerinds encountered by European settlers were partly Caucasian, and their Caucasian roots evidently extend back to antiquity. The "Native Americans" of today are not the original and true natives of North America: they displaced others before modern Europeans displaced (some of) them.
1. Megalithic stonework culture. Hundreds of ancient megalithic structures exist throughout much of New England, extending into the South. Some are intricately designed and/or made of enormous stones somehow carved from extremely hard granite and raised perfectly into place. Some have sophisticated astronomical designs and orientations. Similar stone structures exist in Western Europe, South America and elsewhere, evincing a megalithic culture that once ranged across the seas. The Amerinds encountered by Whites did not use these stone works and could not account for their origins. The theory that these structures were "colonial root cellars" has innumerable holes. Their scope and complexity suggests a religious or recreational purpose.
Ancient American Mysteries - Secrets of The Stones - full Documentary.
Search for the Mysterious Stone Builders of New England.
The Mysterious Stone Chambers of New England.
The Mysterious Megaliths of New England.
New England Megaliths and Chambers.
The Newport Tower.
Enigmatic Stone Works.
Archaeo-Astronomical Prospecting at the Moose Hill Stone Chambers.
Stone Rows & Boulders: A Comparative Study.
Mysterious Stone Chambers and Giants Discovered in New England- Jim Vieira.
2. Mound-building culture. A great number of ancient mounds and earthworks are found in the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River regions; the largest being the giant Monk's Mound pyramid at the Cahokia complex in Illinois. The mounds apparently had ceremonial purposes, perhaps as city centers, some evidently having astronomical orientations with one another. Similar mounds found in Europe along with similar tools and pottery, as well as skulls, relate this culture to Europe's ancient Beaker people (associated with Stonehenge). America's mound-building culture had several stages, including the Adena and Hopewell, that came and went suddenly. Within the mounds, many skeletons of large stature with Caucasoid skull types have been excavated. Amerinds encountered by settlers, who had little knowledge of the mounds, have legends of enemy "giants" destroyed in battle in the region, and there is corroborating archaeological evidence. See Allegheny/Adena "Giants", below.
The Cahokia Mounds Complex (11 pages).
Ancient Earthworks of North America suggest pre-Columbian European contact.
Poverty Point, The Manufacturing of Copper Oxhides for the Atlantic Copper Trade.
The Octagon Earthworks of Newark Ohio, the Stonehenge of North America.
A The Reconstruction and Archaeoastronomy of a Hopewell Hilltop Earthwork in Ohio.
American Mounds vs European Mounds.
Monk Mound; Great Pyramid of the USA.,-great-pyramid-of-the-usa.html
Louisiana’s Best-Kept Secret Now a World Heritage Site (Poverty Point mound complex).
Uncovering America's Pyramid Builders.
Where Did the Ohio Giant Human Mound Builders Come From?
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On genocidal warfare see pgs. 75-81, 89-96, 107.
The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders.
The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America.
3. Michigan Copper mining. Enormous quantities of copper were mined in the Great Lakes area in ancient times, and evidently transported down the Mississippi River to the Poverty Point mound complex, where it was processed into ingots. Most of this copper is absent from North America, and curiously at this time Europe used far more copper than can be accounted for by its own mines, indicating transatlantic shipment. Analysis of copper ingots from an ancient shipwreck off Turkey revealed them to be highly pure, consistent with Michigan copper and not with European sources. The Amerinds encountered by settlers didn't use metal tools.
Copper: a world trade in 3000 BC?
Poverty Point, The Manufacturing of Copper Oxhides for the Atlantic Copper Trade.
Michigan Copper in the Mediterranean.
Were Prehistoric Copper Oxhide Ingots manufactured on the Mississippi coast near the mouth of the Mississippi River?
Cast in Bronze.
Lake Superior Mines, Old Copper Culture and Copper Shipments to Europe during the Bronze Age.
4. Anasazi Chacoan culture. The Anasazi Chaco Canyon-centered culture of the U.S. Southwest had sophisticated stone masonry architecture far more advanced than that of previous and subsequent Amerinds of the region. Their buildings and art had astronomical orientations, and the layout of their towns may have reflected astronomical patterns. They utilized artifacts and symbols, such as spirals and swastikas, similar to that of ancient European cultures such as the Celts and Vinca. A portion of its population, perhaps the elite element, was destroyed in violent ethnic conflict; their buildings becoming defensive toward the end.
The Primary Architecture of the Chacoan Culture: A Cosmological Expression.
Orion Temple in Colorado - Part 1.
The Orion Temple in Colorado – Part 2.
Puebloans in Treeless Chaco Canyon Hauled 240,000 Trees over 75 KM for House Construction.
A Stellar Configuration on the High Desert.
Carving the Cosmos: An Arizona Star Map In Stone. (2 pages).
Spirals, Markers and Megaliths.
Anasazi; Who (when and how) was the first to “discover” America?
Ancient America (Anasazi art photos).
Perimortem mutilation of human remains in an early village in theAmerican Southwest: A case for ethnic violence.
Massacre at Sacred Ridge sparks debate about prehistoric genocide.
Riddles of the Anasazi; What awful event forced the Anasazi to flee their homeland, never to return?
The First Americans - Part 7 - The Anasazi.
The First Americans - Part 8 - The Anasazi Are Exterminated
5. Windover bog people. This 8,000 year old settlement in Florida "exhibited a civilization far beyond what had been previously believed that ancient Indians in North America and Florida would have shown", including finely woven cloth, tools, a pestle and mortar. Their DNA includes Proto-European Haplotype X; it "looked European" according to Dr. Lorenz of the Coriell Institute.
The First Americans - Part 5 - The Windover Bog People.
The First Americans - Part 6 - DNA Of The Windover Bog People
The Windover Pond Giants.
The Windover Archaeological Research Project.
Bye, Bye Beringia (8,000 Year Old Site In Florida).
America's Bog People.
What About DNA? (Haplogroup X at Windover; citation of Hauswirth et al, 1994).
6. Solutrean-Clovis culture. Pre-/Clovis culture rock tools and carvings, dated 11-26,000 years ago, are found concentrated along the Eastern U.S. that are similar to Solutrean culture counterparts found in West Europe from about the same time, indicating transatlantic passage. Animal carvings similar to Solutrean have also been found. Glaciers and ice floes spanned the northern Atlantic Ocean for much of this time, facilitating ocean passage along the ice edge. Also, transatlantic voyage in ancient reed boats was proven possible by the Ra expeditions of Thor Heyerdahl. The oldest Clovis sites are near the Northeast coast, and Clovis rocks in cache sites to the west were evidently moved from the east. Clovis sites are rarer toward the Western U.S., and scarce in Siberia. In fact, there is hardly any sign of human activity in the Beringia region at/prior to the time of the first Clovis sites in the Eastern U.S.. Clovis sites are found in regions where megaliths, mound constructions, and European-linked DNA are also concentrated (see below).
The Solutrean Solution--Did Some Ancient Americans Come from Europe?
Solutreans Were The First Americans (3 pages).
Solutreans: First Americans: The Ice-Age Discovery of the Americas: Constructing an Iberian Solution.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room.
New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America.
Do tools belonging to Stone Age hunters found on U.S. east coast prove the first Americans came from Europe NOT Asia?
New book reveals Ice Age mariners from Europe were America’s first inhabitants.
13,000-Year-Old Bone With Mammoth Or Mastodon Carving May Be First In Western Hemisphere.
The dubious association of Anzick 1 with Clovis artifacts.
Analyses of the Anzick 1 genome.
The Ra Expeditions Revisited.
7. DNA Haplogroup X2. The X2a branch of Proto-European DNA Haplogroup X2 has high frequency among Amerinds in Northeast North America; X2 being nearly absent in East Asia. This indicates ancient European migration to America across the Atlantic, arriving in Northeast Canada and dispersing south and west via the St Laurence River. X2a is most concentrated among Algonquians, whose language has also been linked to ancient Europeans (see below). The small pocket of X2e2 in Russian Altai is not ancestral to Amerind X2a.
Solutreans Were The First Americans.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
What About DNA? (Haplogroup X at Windover; citation of Hauswirth et al, 1994).
8. DNA Haplogroup R1. Proto-European DNA Haplogroup R1 has high frequency among Amerinds in Northeast and Eastern North America; R1 being nearly absent in East Asia. This indicates ancient European migration to America across the Atlantic, arriving in Northeast Canada and dispersing south. As with X2a, R1 is most concentrated among among Algonquians, most of all the Caucasoid-looking Chippewa (Ojibwa), also associated with the ancient copper miners. More broadly, R1(b) is linked to an ancient seafaring, stone-working culture, that evidently spread out from the Mediterranean Sea to the Americas (see below) and the Pacific.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room; Y Chromosome section.
Distribution of Y Chromosomes Among Native North Americans: A Study of Athapaskan
Population History; Figure 2b. Frequency of Haplogroup R in North America.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
Genetic Evidence for Paleolithic Exploration of the Americas by Europeans during the Ice Age.
Eske Willerslev is an anti-White propagandist.
9. Allegheny/Adena "Giants". Ancient large skeletons associated with Adena mound-builders and related cultures have been found across the Ohio Valley, the South, and Northeast America. Copper attire, armor, jewelry and tools are typically found with them. Many Amerind tribes have legends of White "giants", and their existence was formerly well known and accepted by American scholars, including Abraham Lincoln; but a concerted effort has been made to dismiss the evidence. These skeletons were not only large, but heavy set with Proto-European type skulls (see below), distinguishing them from Amerinds of their era. Amerind legend reports an Allegewi tribe of "giants" whom they massacred in warfare, a remnant driven into New England. The legend is corroborated by mass killing sites of large skeletons. Later grave sites indicate that the Allegewi survived for centuries as an elite ethnic within the Adena and later Hopewell cultures.
The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged a Lost Race of Giants - Part 1/Part 2.
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On genocidal warfare see pgs. 75-81, 89-96, 107.
Did Giants Exist? Part 1: Legends and America’s Giant Skeletons; Part 2: Where Are the Skeletons Now?
Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes.
Giants on Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America.
See also the sources for the next section.
10. Proto-European skulls. Skulls of the Allegheny "giants" discussed above and other ancient skulls found in North America have Proto-European characteristics that distinguish them from Amerinds. In addition to greater size, characteristics include greater vertical and frontal diameter (brachycranic shape), greater cranial capacity, large brow ridges, greater facial angle, a wide jawbone, and double rows of teeth. The skulls are similar to those of the ancient European Beaker People, having Dinaric and Cro-Magnon traits. A 9,400 year old skeleton discovered in Spirit Cave also had a Caucasoid skull.
Where Did the Ohio Giant Human Mound Builders Come From?
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On skulls see pgs 18-27, 61-73, and 81.
The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America.
The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders.
The Cahokia Mounds Complex (Page 1).
Lovelock Skull and Spirit Cave Man- Nevada.
Spirit Cave and Lovelock Nevada Mummies - Caucasians In Ancient America
11. Language and inscriptions. The Algonquian language has many words, particularly place names, similar to Gaelic and ancient Gaulish, ancestral tongue of the Celts and Basques. These people, like the Algonquians, are also carriers of Haplogroups X2 (e.g. Orkney) and R1. This indicates an ancient connection between these peoples. Relationships have also been found between Algonquian and Old Norse, indicating an ancient Scandinavian connection. Many ancient petroglyphs have been found on stones in the North American Northeast and South. Some appear to be Viking runes; others, a form of Celtic Iberian ogam, indicating a connection with ancient Celts and seafaring Phoenicians. Some are found in association with the ancient copper mines (see above).
Ancient America; section: New England's Celtic Place Names.
Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments?
Petroglyphs Left in Canada by Scandinavians 3,000 Years Ago?
600-Year-Old American Indian Historical Account Has Old Norse Words.
Names Found to be Norse.
The Mysterious Megaliths of New England.
Columbus: Late to the North American Party.
The Lost Gods and Tablet of Prehistoric Michigan.
Bourne Stone Gives Evidence Of Early Atlantic Crossing.
12. Natives of Caucasian appearance. Some Amerinds encountered by White settlers had a Caucasoid-like appearance, indicating some intermixture with Whites in their past. Zuni (Pueblo) and Pima Amerinds of the Chaco Canyon region exhibit Caucasoid traits, as do Algonquians having Haplogroup X2a. The mysterious Mandan tribe of North Dakota was reported to have a sizable minority of blond-haired, blue-eyed individuals, with more advanced technology than other Amerinds. Amerind individuals with Caucasoid-like appearance can be seen in old photos of tribes such as the Ojibwa (R1 carriers) and Shawnee (Algonquian). A mummy having red hair was found in a Kentucky cave in 1813.
Amerindians have both Mongoloid and Caucasoid physical features.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments?
Admixture in Pima Includes Greek and Sardinian: Genetic Signature of the Minoans, Sea Peoples and Other Mediterranean Peoples in the Southwest?
Were the blonde hair, blue eyed Mandan Indians the remnants of the Ohio mound builders?
Sha-kó-ka (mint), a Mandan girl.
Old Photos - Ojibwa, Shawnee, Zuni.
Mummies With Red Hair Found in Kentucky Cave.
Red Haired Mummy Discovered in Mammoth Cave Kentucky.
13. Amerind legends of Whites. Many Amerind tribes have legends of Whites in North America's past; these legends conclude with an account of how the 'wicked' whites were genocided. The Choctaws, Lenapes, Comanches, Navajos, Shawnees, and others have legends of tall white "giants", called Allegewi, Nahullo, etc., who got in their way and had to be killed off to the last man. The Paiutes remember a nasty red-haired race they called the Si-Te-Cah, whom they managed to trap in Lovelock Cave and massacre. The Cherokees have legends of a pale "moon-eyed people", whom they managed to get rid of.
Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes.
Choctaw Traditions – The Council Fire, The Nahullo.
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On legends of Whites, see 37-42, 70, 75-96, 107, 114.
Shawnee Legend of Slaughter of White Indians at the Falls of the Ohio.
The Legend of the Red-Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave.
Spirit Cave and Lovelock Nevada Mummies - Caucasians In Ancient America (Paiute legends 8:28-10:36).
Cherokee Legends of White Race of Mound Builders.
14. Whites in South America. There is conclusive evidence of ancient Whites in South America; these Whites were likely seafarers who also reached North America. As in the U.S., there is ample evidence of former civilizations more advanced than subsequent Amerinds, e.g. architectural wonders such as Kuellap, Machu Picchu, and Tiwanaku. In SA, there is clear biological evidence of White founders. Local Amerinds of the region, particularly the blondish Chachapoyas, have ancient Caucasian ancestry (Haplogroups I-M26 and R1b), as do their ancient mummies. There are large numbers of distinctly White mummies associated with classic cultures such as the Chachapoya, Nazca, Paracas, Chinchorro, Wari, and Moche. They have red/blond hair types, Caucasoid skull shapes, European blood types A and B, and ancient European DNA (Gravettian and Aurignacian). Found with them are rock carvings, statues, pottery and various art depicting these Whites, having White visages, blue eyes, and beards (lacked by Amerinds). Cultural similarities between ancient Peruvians and Egyptians include pyramids and megalithic architecture, astronomy, mummies, jewelry, skull shaping, art and symbols, and reed boats. A Phoenician rock inscription was found on Palpa Mountain near the surveying marvels of the Nazca desert. Naturally, the physical evidence is mirrored by Amerind legends of White culture-bearers who built these civilizations; of Viracocha, Kukulkan, and Quetzalcoatl. Murals found in Chichen Itza, Yucatan indicate the likely fate of these Whites: they depict White men being captured and executed by dark men, a few escaping in boats.
The Chachapoyas.
The White Gods.
More proof of Whites in ancient Peru and Chile.
Statuettes of the White Gods.
Eske Willerslev is an anti-White propagandist.
Gravettian admixture in the Chinchorro people.
More Y-SNP calls for Chachapoyas.
K = 16 admixture analysis of ancient American genomes.
Analyses of ancient American genomes.
Nazca (12 pages): Pages 1-3 review the evidence that 1) the Nazca architects were European Whites, 2) they were exterminated by Amerinds, and 3) the anti-White establishment suppresses this obvious reality as fervently as it suppresses race differences.
Page 4: Why did European nations, from remotest antiquity, set up standing stone circles or code bearing structures and alignment markers everywhere they went?
8 more pages analyze the scientific geometry of Nazca site figures.
Lost Civilizations of the Andes (2 pages).
Methods of “Ma’at” Part I: Cry Fraud.
Historical Notes: A feathered snake and a man with a beard.
The Mysterious Red Haired Mummies Of The Coast Of Peru.
How Did Blonde Whites Arrive in Peru Before Columbus?
Moment 600 years ago that terror came to Mummies of the Amazon.
Ancient city discovered deep in Amazonian rainforest linked to the legendary white-skinned Cloud People of Peru.
Kuelap, Peru - Ancient Fortress of the Cloud Warriors.
The Amazing Connections Between the Inca and Egyptian Cultures.
The Peruvian Valley of the Pyramids.
European Dolmens in Colombia - The Mysterious Ruins of San Augustin.
Lost Ancient High Technology In The Highlands Of Peru? Wari.
First Ever Evidence for Ancient Bone Surgery found in Peru - Holes Drilled in Legs.
The Stone Head of Guatemala that History Wants to Forget.
See also: 14 Reasons for White Pride in America
There were multiple peoples and cultures who lived in North America before the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Some were relatively advanced, and were evidently destroyed and replaced by later-arriving Amerinds. Some of them were evidently (Proto-) European, and Whites may have arrived in America before the Asiatic Amerinds. Some of the Amerinds encountered by European settlers were partly Caucasian, and their Caucasian roots evidently extend back to antiquity. The "Native Americans" of today are not the original and true natives of North America: they displaced others before modern Europeans displaced (some of) them.
1. Megalithic stonework culture. Hundreds of ancient megalithic structures exist throughout much of New England, extending into the South. Some are intricately designed and/or made of enormous stones somehow carved from extremely hard granite and raised perfectly into place. Some have sophisticated astronomical designs and orientations. Similar stone structures exist in Western Europe, South America and elsewhere, evincing a megalithic culture that once ranged across the seas. The Amerinds encountered by Whites did not use these stone works and could not account for their origins. The theory that these structures were "colonial root cellars" has innumerable holes. Their scope and complexity suggests a religious or recreational purpose.
Ancient American Mysteries - Secrets of The Stones - full Documentary.
Search for the Mysterious Stone Builders of New England.
The Mysterious Stone Chambers of New England.
The Mysterious Megaliths of New England.
New England Megaliths and Chambers.
The Newport Tower.
Enigmatic Stone Works.
Archaeo-Astronomical Prospecting at the Moose Hill Stone Chambers.
Stone Rows & Boulders: A Comparative Study.
Mysterious Stone Chambers and Giants Discovered in New England- Jim Vieira.
2. Mound-building culture. A great number of ancient mounds and earthworks are found in the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River regions; the largest being the giant Monk's Mound pyramid at the Cahokia complex in Illinois. The mounds apparently had ceremonial purposes, perhaps as city centers, some evidently having astronomical orientations with one another. Similar mounds found in Europe along with similar tools and pottery, as well as skulls, relate this culture to Europe's ancient Beaker people (associated with Stonehenge). America's mound-building culture had several stages, including the Adena and Hopewell, that came and went suddenly. Within the mounds, many skeletons of large stature with Caucasoid skull types have been excavated. Amerinds encountered by settlers, who had little knowledge of the mounds, have legends of enemy "giants" destroyed in battle in the region, and there is corroborating archaeological evidence. See Allegheny/Adena "Giants", below.
The Cahokia Mounds Complex (11 pages).
Ancient Earthworks of North America suggest pre-Columbian European contact.
Poverty Point, The Manufacturing of Copper Oxhides for the Atlantic Copper Trade.
The Octagon Earthworks of Newark Ohio, the Stonehenge of North America.
A The Reconstruction and Archaeoastronomy of a Hopewell Hilltop Earthwork in Ohio.
American Mounds vs European Mounds.
Monk Mound; Great Pyramid of the USA.,-great-pyramid-of-the-usa.html
Louisiana’s Best-Kept Secret Now a World Heritage Site (Poverty Point mound complex).
Uncovering America's Pyramid Builders.
Where Did the Ohio Giant Human Mound Builders Come From?
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On genocidal warfare see pgs. 75-81, 89-96, 107.
The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders.
The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America.
3. Michigan Copper mining. Enormous quantities of copper were mined in the Great Lakes area in ancient times, and evidently transported down the Mississippi River to the Poverty Point mound complex, where it was processed into ingots. Most of this copper is absent from North America, and curiously at this time Europe used far more copper than can be accounted for by its own mines, indicating transatlantic shipment. Analysis of copper ingots from an ancient shipwreck off Turkey revealed them to be highly pure, consistent with Michigan copper and not with European sources. The Amerinds encountered by settlers didn't use metal tools.
Copper: a world trade in 3000 BC?
Poverty Point, The Manufacturing of Copper Oxhides for the Atlantic Copper Trade.
Michigan Copper in the Mediterranean.
Were Prehistoric Copper Oxhide Ingots manufactured on the Mississippi coast near the mouth of the Mississippi River?
Cast in Bronze.
Lake Superior Mines, Old Copper Culture and Copper Shipments to Europe during the Bronze Age.
4. Anasazi Chacoan culture. The Anasazi Chaco Canyon-centered culture of the U.S. Southwest had sophisticated stone masonry architecture far more advanced than that of previous and subsequent Amerinds of the region. Their buildings and art had astronomical orientations, and the layout of their towns may have reflected astronomical patterns. They utilized artifacts and symbols, such as spirals and swastikas, similar to that of ancient European cultures such as the Celts and Vinca. A portion of its population, perhaps the elite element, was destroyed in violent ethnic conflict; their buildings becoming defensive toward the end.
The Primary Architecture of the Chacoan Culture: A Cosmological Expression.
Orion Temple in Colorado - Part 1.
The Orion Temple in Colorado – Part 2.
Puebloans in Treeless Chaco Canyon Hauled 240,000 Trees over 75 KM for House Construction.
A Stellar Configuration on the High Desert.
Carving the Cosmos: An Arizona Star Map In Stone. (2 pages).
Spirals, Markers and Megaliths.
Anasazi; Who (when and how) was the first to “discover” America?
Ancient America (Anasazi art photos).
Perimortem mutilation of human remains in an early village in theAmerican Southwest: A case for ethnic violence.
Massacre at Sacred Ridge sparks debate about prehistoric genocide.
Riddles of the Anasazi; What awful event forced the Anasazi to flee their homeland, never to return?
The First Americans - Part 7 - The Anasazi.
The First Americans - Part 8 - The Anasazi Are Exterminated
5. Windover bog people. This 8,000 year old settlement in Florida "exhibited a civilization far beyond what had been previously believed that ancient Indians in North America and Florida would have shown", including finely woven cloth, tools, a pestle and mortar. Their DNA includes Proto-European Haplotype X; it "looked European" according to Dr. Lorenz of the Coriell Institute.
The First Americans - Part 5 - The Windover Bog People.
The First Americans - Part 6 - DNA Of The Windover Bog People
The Windover Pond Giants.
The Windover Archaeological Research Project.
Bye, Bye Beringia (8,000 Year Old Site In Florida).
America's Bog People.
What About DNA? (Haplogroup X at Windover; citation of Hauswirth et al, 1994).
6. Solutrean-Clovis culture. Pre-/Clovis culture rock tools and carvings, dated 11-26,000 years ago, are found concentrated along the Eastern U.S. that are similar to Solutrean culture counterparts found in West Europe from about the same time, indicating transatlantic passage. Animal carvings similar to Solutrean have also been found. Glaciers and ice floes spanned the northern Atlantic Ocean for much of this time, facilitating ocean passage along the ice edge. Also, transatlantic voyage in ancient reed boats was proven possible by the Ra expeditions of Thor Heyerdahl. The oldest Clovis sites are near the Northeast coast, and Clovis rocks in cache sites to the west were evidently moved from the east. Clovis sites are rarer toward the Western U.S., and scarce in Siberia. In fact, there is hardly any sign of human activity in the Beringia region at/prior to the time of the first Clovis sites in the Eastern U.S.. Clovis sites are found in regions where megaliths, mound constructions, and European-linked DNA are also concentrated (see below).
The Solutrean Solution--Did Some Ancient Americans Come from Europe?
Solutreans Were The First Americans (3 pages).
Solutreans: First Americans: The Ice-Age Discovery of the Americas: Constructing an Iberian Solution.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room.
New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America.
Do tools belonging to Stone Age hunters found on U.S. east coast prove the first Americans came from Europe NOT Asia?
New book reveals Ice Age mariners from Europe were America’s first inhabitants.
13,000-Year-Old Bone With Mammoth Or Mastodon Carving May Be First In Western Hemisphere.
The dubious association of Anzick 1 with Clovis artifacts.
Analyses of the Anzick 1 genome.
The Ra Expeditions Revisited.
7. DNA Haplogroup X2. The X2a branch of Proto-European DNA Haplogroup X2 has high frequency among Amerinds in Northeast North America; X2 being nearly absent in East Asia. This indicates ancient European migration to America across the Atlantic, arriving in Northeast Canada and dispersing south and west via the St Laurence River. X2a is most concentrated among Algonquians, whose language has also been linked to ancient Europeans (see below). The small pocket of X2e2 in Russian Altai is not ancestral to Amerind X2a.
Solutreans Were The First Americans.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
What About DNA? (Haplogroup X at Windover; citation of Hauswirth et al, 1994).
8. DNA Haplogroup R1. Proto-European DNA Haplogroup R1 has high frequency among Amerinds in Northeast and Eastern North America; R1 being nearly absent in East Asia. This indicates ancient European migration to America across the Atlantic, arriving in Northeast Canada and dispersing south. As with X2a, R1 is most concentrated among among Algonquians, most of all the Caucasoid-looking Chippewa (Ojibwa), also associated with the ancient copper miners. More broadly, R1(b) is linked to an ancient seafaring, stone-working culture, that evidently spread out from the Mediterranean Sea to the Americas (see below) and the Pacific.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room; Y Chromosome section.
Distribution of Y Chromosomes Among Native North Americans: A Study of Athapaskan
Population History; Figure 2b. Frequency of Haplogroup R in North America.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
Genetic Evidence for Paleolithic Exploration of the Americas by Europeans during the Ice Age.
Eske Willerslev is an anti-White propagandist.
9. Allegheny/Adena "Giants". Ancient large skeletons associated with Adena mound-builders and related cultures have been found across the Ohio Valley, the South, and Northeast America. Copper attire, armor, jewelry and tools are typically found with them. Many Amerind tribes have legends of White "giants", and their existence was formerly well known and accepted by American scholars, including Abraham Lincoln; but a concerted effort has been made to dismiss the evidence. These skeletons were not only large, but heavy set with Proto-European type skulls (see below), distinguishing them from Amerinds of their era. Amerind legend reports an Allegewi tribe of "giants" whom they massacred in warfare, a remnant driven into New England. The legend is corroborated by mass killing sites of large skeletons. Later grave sites indicate that the Allegewi survived for centuries as an elite ethnic within the Adena and later Hopewell cultures.
The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged a Lost Race of Giants - Part 1/Part 2.
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On genocidal warfare see pgs. 75-81, 89-96, 107.
Did Giants Exist? Part 1: Legends and America’s Giant Skeletons; Part 2: Where Are the Skeletons Now?
Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes.
Giants on Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America.
See also the sources for the next section.
10. Proto-European skulls. Skulls of the Allegheny "giants" discussed above and other ancient skulls found in North America have Proto-European characteristics that distinguish them from Amerinds. In addition to greater size, characteristics include greater vertical and frontal diameter (brachycranic shape), greater cranial capacity, large brow ridges, greater facial angle, a wide jawbone, and double rows of teeth. The skulls are similar to those of the ancient European Beaker People, having Dinaric and Cro-Magnon traits. A 9,400 year old skeleton discovered in Spirit Cave also had a Caucasoid skull.
Where Did the Ohio Giant Human Mound Builders Come From?
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On skulls see pgs 18-27, 61-73, and 81.
The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America.
The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders.
The Cahokia Mounds Complex (Page 1).
Lovelock Skull and Spirit Cave Man- Nevada.
Spirit Cave and Lovelock Nevada Mummies - Caucasians In Ancient America
11. Language and inscriptions. The Algonquian language has many words, particularly place names, similar to Gaelic and ancient Gaulish, ancestral tongue of the Celts and Basques. These people, like the Algonquians, are also carriers of Haplogroups X2 (e.g. Orkney) and R1. This indicates an ancient connection between these peoples. Relationships have also been found between Algonquian and Old Norse, indicating an ancient Scandinavian connection. Many ancient petroglyphs have been found on stones in the North American Northeast and South. Some appear to be Viking runes; others, a form of Celtic Iberian ogam, indicating a connection with ancient Celts and seafaring Phoenicians. Some are found in association with the ancient copper mines (see above).
Ancient America; section: New England's Celtic Place Names.
Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments?
Petroglyphs Left in Canada by Scandinavians 3,000 Years Ago?
600-Year-Old American Indian Historical Account Has Old Norse Words.
Names Found to be Norse.
The Mysterious Megaliths of New England.
Columbus: Late to the North American Party.
The Lost Gods and Tablet of Prehistoric Michigan.
Bourne Stone Gives Evidence Of Early Atlantic Crossing.
12. Natives of Caucasian appearance. Some Amerinds encountered by White settlers had a Caucasoid-like appearance, indicating some intermixture with Whites in their past. Zuni (Pueblo) and Pima Amerinds of the Chaco Canyon region exhibit Caucasoid traits, as do Algonquians having Haplogroup X2a. The mysterious Mandan tribe of North Dakota was reported to have a sizable minority of blond-haired, blue-eyed individuals, with more advanced technology than other Amerinds. Amerind individuals with Caucasoid-like appearance can be seen in old photos of tribes such as the Ojibwa (R1 carriers) and Shawnee (Algonquian). A mummy having red hair was found in a Kentucky cave in 1813.
Amerindians have both Mongoloid and Caucasoid physical features.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments?
Admixture in Pima Includes Greek and Sardinian: Genetic Signature of the Minoans, Sea Peoples and Other Mediterranean Peoples in the Southwest?
Were the blonde hair, blue eyed Mandan Indians the remnants of the Ohio mound builders?
Sha-kó-ka (mint), a Mandan girl.
Old Photos - Ojibwa, Shawnee, Zuni.
Mummies With Red Hair Found in Kentucky Cave.
Red Haired Mummy Discovered in Mammoth Cave Kentucky.
13. Amerind legends of Whites. Many Amerind tribes have legends of Whites in North America's past; these legends conclude with an account of how the 'wicked' whites were genocided. The Choctaws, Lenapes, Comanches, Navajos, Shawnees, and others have legends of tall white "giants", called Allegewi, Nahullo, etc., who got in their way and had to be killed off to the last man. The Paiutes remember a nasty red-haired race they called the Si-Te-Cah, whom they managed to trap in Lovelock Cave and massacre. The Cherokees have legends of a pale "moon-eyed people", whom they managed to get rid of.
Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes.
Choctaw Traditions – The Council Fire, The Nahullo.
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On legends of Whites, see 37-42, 70, 75-96, 107, 114.
Shawnee Legend of Slaughter of White Indians at the Falls of the Ohio.
The Legend of the Red-Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave.
Spirit Cave and Lovelock Nevada Mummies - Caucasians In Ancient America (Paiute legends 8:28-10:36).
Cherokee Legends of White Race of Mound Builders.
14. Whites in South America. There is conclusive evidence of ancient Whites in South America; these Whites were likely seafarers who also reached North America. As in the U.S., there is ample evidence of former civilizations more advanced than subsequent Amerinds, e.g. architectural wonders such as Kuellap, Machu Picchu, and Tiwanaku. In SA, there is clear biological evidence of White founders. Local Amerinds of the region, particularly the blondish Chachapoyas, have ancient Caucasian ancestry (Haplogroups I-M26 and R1b), as do their ancient mummies. There are large numbers of distinctly White mummies associated with classic cultures such as the Chachapoya, Nazca, Paracas, Chinchorro, Wari, and Moche. They have red/blond hair types, Caucasoid skull shapes, European blood types A and B, and ancient European DNA (Gravettian and Aurignacian). Found with them are rock carvings, statues, pottery and various art depicting these Whites, having White visages, blue eyes, and beards (lacked by Amerinds). Cultural similarities between ancient Peruvians and Egyptians include pyramids and megalithic architecture, astronomy, mummies, jewelry, skull shaping, art and symbols, and reed boats. A Phoenician rock inscription was found on Palpa Mountain near the surveying marvels of the Nazca desert. Naturally, the physical evidence is mirrored by Amerind legends of White culture-bearers who built these civilizations; of Viracocha, Kukulkan, and Quetzalcoatl. Murals found in Chichen Itza, Yucatan indicate the likely fate of these Whites: they depict White men being captured and executed by dark men, a few escaping in boats.
The Chachapoyas.
The White Gods.
More proof of Whites in ancient Peru and Chile.
Statuettes of the White Gods.
Eske Willerslev is an anti-White propagandist.
Gravettian admixture in the Chinchorro people.
More Y-SNP calls for Chachapoyas.
K = 16 admixture analysis of ancient American genomes.
Analyses of ancient American genomes.
Nazca (12 pages): Pages 1-3 review the evidence that 1) the Nazca architects were European Whites, 2) they were exterminated by Amerinds, and 3) the anti-White establishment suppresses this obvious reality as fervently as it suppresses race differences.
Page 4: Why did European nations, from remotest antiquity, set up standing stone circles or code bearing structures and alignment markers everywhere they went?
8 more pages analyze the scientific geometry of Nazca site figures.
Lost Civilizations of the Andes (2 pages).
Methods of “Ma’at” Part I: Cry Fraud.
Historical Notes: A feathered snake and a man with a beard.
The Mysterious Red Haired Mummies Of The Coast Of Peru.
How Did Blonde Whites Arrive in Peru Before Columbus?
Moment 600 years ago that terror came to Mummies of the Amazon.
Ancient city discovered deep in Amazonian rainforest linked to the legendary white-skinned Cloud People of Peru.
Kuelap, Peru - Ancient Fortress of the Cloud Warriors.
The Amazing Connections Between the Inca and Egyptian Cultures.
The Peruvian Valley of the Pyramids.
European Dolmens in Colombia - The Mysterious Ruins of San Augustin.
Lost Ancient High Technology In The Highlands Of Peru? Wari.
First Ever Evidence for Ancient Bone Surgery found in Peru - Holes Drilled in Legs.
The Stone Head of Guatemala that History Wants to Forget.
See also: 14 Reasons for White Pride in America
14 Reasons for White Pride in America
It is time for White Americans to fight back, to save our great people and nation.
The mantra of the destroyers...
"The United States was founded on genocide and built on the backs of slaves." nonsense, as I will demonstrate.
1. The United States, a nation renowned for individual rights and freedom, was created by Whites for their posterity.
The United States, a nation world-renowned for its individual rights, freedom, prosperity and generosity, was built by the ingenuity and work of white pioneers who carried over values and traditions of Europe. The Founding Fathers recognized the U.S. as a White nation and citizenship was originally limited to Whites [1]. It remained about 90% White until the madness of the Cultural Marxist revolution of the 1960's [2]. Our great nation is infinitely more precious than the mere land it sits upon.
2. White America's excellent technology and prosperity has been a boon to the whole world, including the nonwhites living here.
The great technological and industrial productivity of the United States has benefited not only the nonwhites fortunate enough to live here, but the entire world that dreams of living here. American inventions or major innovations include the sewing machine, typewriter, telephone, records, cameras, television, computers, cars, airplanes, space shuttle, light bulbs, dishwasher, air conditioning, anesthesia, vaccines, hearing aid, defibrillator, heart-lung machine, and the artificial heart [3]. We've shared our technology far and wide, leading to greater prosperity throughout the world. Nonwhites fortunate enough to live here enjoy far higher standards of living than their kin in their own homelands, and they're in no hurry to go back.
3. White Americans, including our dear ancestors- brave pioneers and settlers, have always been good, caring people.
Contrary to Cultural Marxist propaganda, there certainly was nothing evil about our ancestors, the virtuous White American settlers who built this great nation. We were the same good people then as we are today: honest, compassionate and generous. White Americans donate more to charity than any other people on Earth [4]. We've always been generous to the poor of all races, giving out free cash, medical care, education, and services. The maligned Jim Crow governments provided separate but equal facilities and services to Blacks, paid for by White tax-payers. Even White slave owners were remembered fondly by their former Black slaves for the care they provided [5]. Of course, Blacks and Amerinds receive high rates of welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, etc [6]. We've also cared for the land, protecting huge tracts of wilderness in parks and reserves [7], and making great strides in minimizing pollution [8].
4. There was plenty of open space in America when White Americans came. We built a civilization from scratch upon wilderness.
Amerinds only sparsely occupied the vast area of the United States at the time Whites settled it, the majority of it being empty wilderness. This was partially due to tragic disease epidemics that swept the country, estimated to have killed 90-95% of the population [9]. Amerinds were mainly nomadic hunter-gatherers to begin with, having low population density. There were perhaps one to two million Amerinds in the entire U.S. before Europeans settled it [10]; there were estimated to be only 20,000 in all New England in 1640 [11]. Whites were mostly just peaceful settlers looking to start a new life for themselves, building homes from scratch on open land. They befriended Amerinds when possible, though sometimes their first contact came in the form of a murderous surprise attack. Whites had no interest in taking over the primitive Amerind settlements, though some forced relocations ultimately became necessary because Amerinds rejected civilization.
5. Whites didn't want much from the Amerinds, who were Stone Age primitives who had created little of value.
Whites took very little from Amerinds in America beyond bare land. The Amerinds encountered were Stone Age primitives who didn't have metal implements, nor the wheel, nor a written language. What farming they had was primitive, making minimal if any use of fertilizer [12]. No major towns nor industry nor stores of goods were taken from them. They had none.
6. Amerinds have been well compensated for the loss of land they occupied, which had minimal value at the time.
Amerinds have received huge compensation from the United States for their lost land, as well as ongoing benefits and privileges such as lucrative casinos [13]. The Cherokees were compensated billions of dollars for their "trail of tears" migration [13h]. It's not Whites' fault that much of this money has been squandered. They've also received the benefits of U.S. citizenship including loads of welfare, as well as our technology and civil institutions. Amerinds have also retained or received in compensation much land to this day [14], their sovereign possessions, in addition to normal properties around the country.
7. Most Amerinds were not the original, true natives. They replaced - often violently, peoples who preceded them, some of them likely White.
Previous peoples in North America, some relatively advanced, were replaced by the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Few if any of the so-called "natives" encountered by settlers were the original and true natives of their lands. Some Amerinds are part-White, and some of the displaced or exterminated American peoples of the past were evidently White; see 14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America. Some aggressive Amerinds, such as the Pequots, Apaches, and Comanches [15], had long histories of conquering other peoples [16]. At this point in history, there was no international law and people around the world took for granted the right of possession by the strongest. The harsh reality was that weaker Amerinds were going to be ruled by one conqueror or another, and being ruled by Amerinds is no picnic.
8. Many Amerinds were hostile and cruel, and had a long history of attacking and oppressing other tribes.
Contrary to popular myth, Amerinds tended to be untrustworthy, hostile, oppressive and cruel. They attacked, oppressed and sometimes massacred other tribes. Some tribes, such as the Pequots and Apaches, had a martial culture based on raiding and exploiting other Amerinds; these oppressed tribes gladly allied with Whites to fight for their freedom. Many Amerinds had traditions of making fiendish rituals or sports of extracting the maximum possible agony from captives before killing them, and their women were sometimes the most enthusiastic participants. Some of their favorite kinds of torture were skinning alive, cutting off all facial and body parts one by one and putting hot coals in the wounds, roasting people alive on a spigot, and spinning seated women around on sticks impaled in their anuses. They also liked to cut off body parts such as scalps to cannibalize or save as mementos. [16] Our kindly ancestors could hardly be blamed for disliking such folk.
9. Whites never attempted to genocide Amerinds; rather, they were sympathetic toward them. Warfare was usually started by Amerinds.
Amerinds were not genocided. There was no plan nor intention to genocide them. On the contrary, the majority of White Americans were friendly or sympathetic toward Amerinds - those Whites who didn't bear the brunt of their hostilities. Great efforts were made to assimilate them [17]. The myth of the noble Amerind living in harmony with nature is a very old narrative, that author Mark Twain ridiculed in his satirical essay The Noble Red Man (1870) [18]. It is of course true that many Amerinds died of diseases spread unintentionally [9]; but the claim that Whites deliberately infected them with blankets is scarcely credible [19]. In fact, President Jefferson launched a 30 year vaccination program for them in 1801. There was sporadic warfare over the centuries between Whites and Amerinds, usually started by a surprise Amerind attack [20]. There are presently about three million Amerinds in the U.S., more than as many as White American settlers encountered [10], and they still possess massive tracts of territory [14].
10. The actual number of Amerinds killed by Whites was relatively small.
Against the nonsensical claim of genocide, there are actual estimates of Amerinds killed in warfare and massacres. The U.S. Census Office in 1890 estimated that 45K Amerinds were killed in all warfare with the United States since its founding [21]. William Osborn in The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American-Indian War... counted 7,193 deaths of Amerinds via "atrocity" by Whites between 1511-1890, versus 9,156 Whites killed in atrocities by Amerinds [22]. In comparison, about 500K Americans were killed during the U.S. conquest of the Confederacy, 1861-5.
11. Amerinds didn't teach Whites farming and fertilizer use; rather, Whites taught them.
Contrary to myth, Whites did not learn how to farm from Amerinds. Amerinds lacked basic agricultural technology that Whites had been using for centuries, such as metal implements for efficient tilling, use of fertilizer, and the wheeled cart. Squanto learned about using fish for fertilizer from Europeans amongst whom he had lived. Whites in Europe and Newfoundland had long been using fish for fertilizing crops, including corn. Amerinds, who were primarily hunter-gatherers, relied on shifting cultivation sites. [23]
12. Blacks did not build the United States, Whites did. Blacks were only a tiny portion of North and West states, and only menial workers in the South.
Blacks and other nonwhites did not build the United States, in any sense. U.S. civilization from the beginning has been an outgrowth of Europe, not of Africa or anywhere else. The infrastructure, laws, culture, morals and values of traditional America are characteristically European-White. The U.S. was founded by Whites and created by White ingenuity. Blacks were only a tiny percentage (<3%) of the Northern and Western states to 1930 [24], which developed as advanced as the Southern ones. Even in the South, Black slaves did mostly menial farm labor that the least skilled of Whites could have done, and low-wage free men did after the war. The overall economic benefit of Black slavery to the U.S. was minimal at most [25].
13. Blacks have been compensated for their mostly menial work. They would only have been worse-off slaves if not brought to America.
Blacks, who have been mostly menial laborers, were compensated for their work with at least basic necessities and care, even as slaves. Low-skilled workers, whether slave or free, whether in Africa or America, generally don't accumulate wealth, anyway. Black Americans would have been slaves in Africa whether Whites had purchased them or not [26], and were worse off in Africa before being sold by other Blacks to be transported to America. Many White workers at that time were also essentially slaves and sometimes treated worse [27]. Former Black slaves generally recalled their former masters fondly when interviewed about their experiences [5]. Since slavery ended, they have received enormous transfers of wealth from Whites in the form of welfare, special education, law enforcement, pervasive anti-White discrimination in education, hiring and promotions, and healthcare and other insurance costs driven up by blacks, etc. [6,28]
14. The Ethno-Masochist Left is pro-immigration except when it comes to Whites, who were good "immigrants" who gave much and took little.
The hypocrisy of the Left on immigration is astounding. They're all in favor of open borders and immigration for welfare-leeching nonwhites, but say White "immigrants" (pioneers, actually) who built homes from scratch on the American wilderness were wicked. The truth is, White Americans - unlike nonwhites - were super "immigrants" who bore a great gift: civilization. They were independent, hard-working pioneers who took nothing from anyone except in some cases bare land which they developed and made prosperous, and later compensated the former occupants. They did not wish to intrude into Amerind towns, to take over their neighborhoods or leech their sustenance. Modern nonwhite immigrants, on the other hand, intrude into White societies for that very purpose. Instead of civilization, they bring envy, demands for handouts and enforced equality, rampant crime, oppression of women and even Sharia law.
1a- What the Founders Really Thought About Race.
1b- The Federalist Papers : No. 2; "a people descended from the same ancestors".
1c- Naturalization Acts of 1790 and 1795.
1d- The Immigration Act of 1924 (The Johnson-Reed Act).
2- Historical Census Statistics On Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For Large Cities And Other Urban Places In The United States; Table A-1. Race and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 1790 to 1990.
3- Technology Timeline: 1752 - 1990.
4a- Americans are the most generous people in the world.
4b- Americans are world's most charitable, top 1% provide 1/3rd of all donations.
4c- Charitable Giving Statistics.
5- Forgotten Black Voices.
6a- Welfare: Who’s on It, Who’s Not?
6b- Statistics on race and welfare for the USA.
6c- National Review Wrong (Again) On Race And Welfare.
6d- Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households.
6e- The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households; Race and Ethnicity.
6f- All Those White People on Food Stamps.
7- National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) | Protected Areas Data Portal.
8- Progress Cleaning the Air and Improving People's Health.
9- Why Native Americans Didn’t Wipe Out Europeans With Diseases.
10a- American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History Since 1492; pages 25-6.
10b- The Non-Genocide of Northern Native Americans.
11- The Settling Of Bolton.
12a- Squanto and the Pilgrims: On Planting Corn "in the manner of the Indians" by Lynn Ceci, in The invented Indian (lack of technology; page 80).
12b- Noble Savagery (AR: The Invented Indian book review).
13a- Indian Claims Commission.
13b- Indian Land Claims Settlements.
13c- Government pays $1billion compensation to Indian tribes over century-old claims to money and land.
13d- What's so good about being a Native American?
13e- 10 Things You Need to Know about Indian Reservation Gambling.
13f- Has tribal gaming been a boon for American Indians?
13g- Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
13h- Trail of Tears, Death Toll Myths Dispelled.
14- Indian Reservations in the United States.
15a- Apache - The Fiercest Warriors in the Southwest.
15b- The Texas Comanches by R E Moore.
15c- Indian wars of New England. Topography of Indian tribes (Pequots).
16a- North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence.
16b- Debunking Another Lie: Lawrence H. Keeley’s War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage.
16c- The truth Johnny Depp wants to hide about the real-life Tontos: How Comanche Indians butchered babies, roasted enemies alive and would ride 1,000 miles to wipe out one family.
16d- Isaac Jogues: Missionary and Martyr - Martin J. Scott Torture.
16e- Torture and Mutilation The following story is from the book, Comanches, The Destruction of a People.
16f- A Fate Worse Than Death.
16g- Tom Goodrich on Amerindian atrocities.
16h- The American Indian “torture tree”.
16i- Narragansett Stalking Horse; The English Role in the Pequot War.
17a- Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?
17b- Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans.
17c- Native Americans Were Not Victims of Genocide.
18a- The Noble Red Man (1870), by Mark Twain.
18b- Noble Savagery.
18c- No, Native Americans weren’t the original environmentalists.
18d- Review of Mother Earth: An American Story.
19a- Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?; Section II.
19b- Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric.;view=fulltext
19c- The Smallpox-infected Blankets.
20a- Old World vs. New: The First Battles Between Native North Americans and Europeans.
20b- The Indian Wars in the Colonies.
20c- King Philip’s War: Indian Chieftain’s War Against the New England Colonies.
20d- Indian Warfare - War Methods and Tactics.
21- Census Office: Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the United States (1890) p.637-8.
22- Osborn, William M. (2001). The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee. Cited here:
23- Squanto and the Pilgrims: On Planting Corn "in the manner of the Indians" by Lynn Ceci, in The invented Indian.
24- Historical Census Statistics On Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For Large Cities And Other Urban Places In The United States; Table A-1. Race and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 1790 to 1990.
25- Whites Did Not Benefit from Slavery (Not Even at the Time).
26a- Slaves in America Would’ve Been Slaves in Africa Anyway.
26b- Summary: Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800.
27a- The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain.
27b- White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves – Bet you didn’t know that did you?
28a- The Racial Tithe.
28b- Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity.
28c- The Myth of American Meritocracy.
28d- Testing standards lowered by affirmative action.
See also: 14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America
The mantra of the destroyers...
"The United States was founded on genocide and built on the backs of slaves." nonsense, as I will demonstrate.
1. The United States, a nation renowned for individual rights and freedom, was created by Whites for their posterity.
The United States, a nation world-renowned for its individual rights, freedom, prosperity and generosity, was built by the ingenuity and work of white pioneers who carried over values and traditions of Europe. The Founding Fathers recognized the U.S. as a White nation and citizenship was originally limited to Whites [1]. It remained about 90% White until the madness of the Cultural Marxist revolution of the 1960's [2]. Our great nation is infinitely more precious than the mere land it sits upon.
2. White America's excellent technology and prosperity has been a boon to the whole world, including the nonwhites living here.
The great technological and industrial productivity of the United States has benefited not only the nonwhites fortunate enough to live here, but the entire world that dreams of living here. American inventions or major innovations include the sewing machine, typewriter, telephone, records, cameras, television, computers, cars, airplanes, space shuttle, light bulbs, dishwasher, air conditioning, anesthesia, vaccines, hearing aid, defibrillator, heart-lung machine, and the artificial heart [3]. We've shared our technology far and wide, leading to greater prosperity throughout the world. Nonwhites fortunate enough to live here enjoy far higher standards of living than their kin in their own homelands, and they're in no hurry to go back.
3. White Americans, including our dear ancestors- brave pioneers and settlers, have always been good, caring people.
Contrary to Cultural Marxist propaganda, there certainly was nothing evil about our ancestors, the virtuous White American settlers who built this great nation. We were the same good people then as we are today: honest, compassionate and generous. White Americans donate more to charity than any other people on Earth [4]. We've always been generous to the poor of all races, giving out free cash, medical care, education, and services. The maligned Jim Crow governments provided separate but equal facilities and services to Blacks, paid for by White tax-payers. Even White slave owners were remembered fondly by their former Black slaves for the care they provided [5]. Of course, Blacks and Amerinds receive high rates of welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, etc [6]. We've also cared for the land, protecting huge tracts of wilderness in parks and reserves [7], and making great strides in minimizing pollution [8].
4. There was plenty of open space in America when White Americans came. We built a civilization from scratch upon wilderness.
Amerinds only sparsely occupied the vast area of the United States at the time Whites settled it, the majority of it being empty wilderness. This was partially due to tragic disease epidemics that swept the country, estimated to have killed 90-95% of the population [9]. Amerinds were mainly nomadic hunter-gatherers to begin with, having low population density. There were perhaps one to two million Amerinds in the entire U.S. before Europeans settled it [10]; there were estimated to be only 20,000 in all New England in 1640 [11]. Whites were mostly just peaceful settlers looking to start a new life for themselves, building homes from scratch on open land. They befriended Amerinds when possible, though sometimes their first contact came in the form of a murderous surprise attack. Whites had no interest in taking over the primitive Amerind settlements, though some forced relocations ultimately became necessary because Amerinds rejected civilization.
5. Whites didn't want much from the Amerinds, who were Stone Age primitives who had created little of value.
Whites took very little from Amerinds in America beyond bare land. The Amerinds encountered were Stone Age primitives who didn't have metal implements, nor the wheel, nor a written language. What farming they had was primitive, making minimal if any use of fertilizer [12]. No major towns nor industry nor stores of goods were taken from them. They had none.
6. Amerinds have been well compensated for the loss of land they occupied, which had minimal value at the time.
Amerinds have received huge compensation from the United States for their lost land, as well as ongoing benefits and privileges such as lucrative casinos [13]. The Cherokees were compensated billions of dollars for their "trail of tears" migration [13h]. It's not Whites' fault that much of this money has been squandered. They've also received the benefits of U.S. citizenship including loads of welfare, as well as our technology and civil institutions. Amerinds have also retained or received in compensation much land to this day [14], their sovereign possessions, in addition to normal properties around the country.
7. Most Amerinds were not the original, true natives. They replaced - often violently, peoples who preceded them, some of them likely White.
Previous peoples in North America, some relatively advanced, were replaced by the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Few if any of the so-called "natives" encountered by settlers were the original and true natives of their lands. Some Amerinds are part-White, and some of the displaced or exterminated American peoples of the past were evidently White; see 14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America. Some aggressive Amerinds, such as the Pequots, Apaches, and Comanches [15], had long histories of conquering other peoples [16]. At this point in history, there was no international law and people around the world took for granted the right of possession by the strongest. The harsh reality was that weaker Amerinds were going to be ruled by one conqueror or another, and being ruled by Amerinds is no picnic.
8. Many Amerinds were hostile and cruel, and had a long history of attacking and oppressing other tribes.
Contrary to popular myth, Amerinds tended to be untrustworthy, hostile, oppressive and cruel. They attacked, oppressed and sometimes massacred other tribes. Some tribes, such as the Pequots and Apaches, had a martial culture based on raiding and exploiting other Amerinds; these oppressed tribes gladly allied with Whites to fight for their freedom. Many Amerinds had traditions of making fiendish rituals or sports of extracting the maximum possible agony from captives before killing them, and their women were sometimes the most enthusiastic participants. Some of their favorite kinds of torture were skinning alive, cutting off all facial and body parts one by one and putting hot coals in the wounds, roasting people alive on a spigot, and spinning seated women around on sticks impaled in their anuses. They also liked to cut off body parts such as scalps to cannibalize or save as mementos. [16] Our kindly ancestors could hardly be blamed for disliking such folk.
9. Whites never attempted to genocide Amerinds; rather, they were sympathetic toward them. Warfare was usually started by Amerinds.
Amerinds were not genocided. There was no plan nor intention to genocide them. On the contrary, the majority of White Americans were friendly or sympathetic toward Amerinds - those Whites who didn't bear the brunt of their hostilities. Great efforts were made to assimilate them [17]. The myth of the noble Amerind living in harmony with nature is a very old narrative, that author Mark Twain ridiculed in his satirical essay The Noble Red Man (1870) [18]. It is of course true that many Amerinds died of diseases spread unintentionally [9]; but the claim that Whites deliberately infected them with blankets is scarcely credible [19]. In fact, President Jefferson launched a 30 year vaccination program for them in 1801. There was sporadic warfare over the centuries between Whites and Amerinds, usually started by a surprise Amerind attack [20]. There are presently about three million Amerinds in the U.S., more than as many as White American settlers encountered [10], and they still possess massive tracts of territory [14].
10. The actual number of Amerinds killed by Whites was relatively small.
Against the nonsensical claim of genocide, there are actual estimates of Amerinds killed in warfare and massacres. The U.S. Census Office in 1890 estimated that 45K Amerinds were killed in all warfare with the United States since its founding [21]. William Osborn in The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American-Indian War... counted 7,193 deaths of Amerinds via "atrocity" by Whites between 1511-1890, versus 9,156 Whites killed in atrocities by Amerinds [22]. In comparison, about 500K Americans were killed during the U.S. conquest of the Confederacy, 1861-5.
11. Amerinds didn't teach Whites farming and fertilizer use; rather, Whites taught them.
Contrary to myth, Whites did not learn how to farm from Amerinds. Amerinds lacked basic agricultural technology that Whites had been using for centuries, such as metal implements for efficient tilling, use of fertilizer, and the wheeled cart. Squanto learned about using fish for fertilizer from Europeans amongst whom he had lived. Whites in Europe and Newfoundland had long been using fish for fertilizing crops, including corn. Amerinds, who were primarily hunter-gatherers, relied on shifting cultivation sites. [23]
12. Blacks did not build the United States, Whites did. Blacks were only a tiny portion of North and West states, and only menial workers in the South.
Blacks and other nonwhites did not build the United States, in any sense. U.S. civilization from the beginning has been an outgrowth of Europe, not of Africa or anywhere else. The infrastructure, laws, culture, morals and values of traditional America are characteristically European-White. The U.S. was founded by Whites and created by White ingenuity. Blacks were only a tiny percentage (<3%) of the Northern and Western states to 1930 [24], which developed as advanced as the Southern ones. Even in the South, Black slaves did mostly menial farm labor that the least skilled of Whites could have done, and low-wage free men did after the war. The overall economic benefit of Black slavery to the U.S. was minimal at most [25].
13. Blacks have been compensated for their mostly menial work. They would only have been worse-off slaves if not brought to America.
Blacks, who have been mostly menial laborers, were compensated for their work with at least basic necessities and care, even as slaves. Low-skilled workers, whether slave or free, whether in Africa or America, generally don't accumulate wealth, anyway. Black Americans would have been slaves in Africa whether Whites had purchased them or not [26], and were worse off in Africa before being sold by other Blacks to be transported to America. Many White workers at that time were also essentially slaves and sometimes treated worse [27]. Former Black slaves generally recalled their former masters fondly when interviewed about their experiences [5]. Since slavery ended, they have received enormous transfers of wealth from Whites in the form of welfare, special education, law enforcement, pervasive anti-White discrimination in education, hiring and promotions, and healthcare and other insurance costs driven up by blacks, etc. [6,28]
14. The Ethno-Masochist Left is pro-immigration except when it comes to Whites, who were good "immigrants" who gave much and took little.
The hypocrisy of the Left on immigration is astounding. They're all in favor of open borders and immigration for welfare-leeching nonwhites, but say White "immigrants" (pioneers, actually) who built homes from scratch on the American wilderness were wicked. The truth is, White Americans - unlike nonwhites - were super "immigrants" who bore a great gift: civilization. They were independent, hard-working pioneers who took nothing from anyone except in some cases bare land which they developed and made prosperous, and later compensated the former occupants. They did not wish to intrude into Amerind towns, to take over their neighborhoods or leech their sustenance. Modern nonwhite immigrants, on the other hand, intrude into White societies for that very purpose. Instead of civilization, they bring envy, demands for handouts and enforced equality, rampant crime, oppression of women and even Sharia law.
1a- What the Founders Really Thought About Race.
1b- The Federalist Papers : No. 2; "a people descended from the same ancestors".
1c- Naturalization Acts of 1790 and 1795.
1d- The Immigration Act of 1924 (The Johnson-Reed Act).
2- Historical Census Statistics On Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For Large Cities And Other Urban Places In The United States; Table A-1. Race and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 1790 to 1990.
3- Technology Timeline: 1752 - 1990.
4a- Americans are the most generous people in the world.
4b- Americans are world's most charitable, top 1% provide 1/3rd of all donations.
4c- Charitable Giving Statistics.
5- Forgotten Black Voices.
6a- Welfare: Who’s on It, Who’s Not?
6b- Statistics on race and welfare for the USA.
6c- National Review Wrong (Again) On Race And Welfare.
6d- Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households.
6e- The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households; Race and Ethnicity.
6f- All Those White People on Food Stamps.
7- National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) | Protected Areas Data Portal.
8- Progress Cleaning the Air and Improving People's Health.
9- Why Native Americans Didn’t Wipe Out Europeans With Diseases.
10a- American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History Since 1492; pages 25-6.
10b- The Non-Genocide of Northern Native Americans.
11- The Settling Of Bolton.
12a- Squanto and the Pilgrims: On Planting Corn "in the manner of the Indians" by Lynn Ceci, in The invented Indian (lack of technology; page 80).
12b- Noble Savagery (AR: The Invented Indian book review).
13a- Indian Claims Commission.
13b- Indian Land Claims Settlements.
13c- Government pays $1billion compensation to Indian tribes over century-old claims to money and land.
13d- What's so good about being a Native American?
13e- 10 Things You Need to Know about Indian Reservation Gambling.
13f- Has tribal gaming been a boon for American Indians?
13g- Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
13h- Trail of Tears, Death Toll Myths Dispelled.
14- Indian Reservations in the United States.
15a- Apache - The Fiercest Warriors in the Southwest.
15b- The Texas Comanches by R E Moore.
15c- Indian wars of New England. Topography of Indian tribes (Pequots).
16a- North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence.
16b- Debunking Another Lie: Lawrence H. Keeley’s War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage.
16c- The truth Johnny Depp wants to hide about the real-life Tontos: How Comanche Indians butchered babies, roasted enemies alive and would ride 1,000 miles to wipe out one family.
16d- Isaac Jogues: Missionary and Martyr - Martin J. Scott Torture.
16e- Torture and Mutilation The following story is from the book, Comanches, The Destruction of a People.
16f- A Fate Worse Than Death.
16g- Tom Goodrich on Amerindian atrocities.
16h- The American Indian “torture tree”.
16i- Narragansett Stalking Horse; The English Role in the Pequot War.
17a- Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?
17b- Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans.
17c- Native Americans Were Not Victims of Genocide.
18a- The Noble Red Man (1870), by Mark Twain.
18b- Noble Savagery.
18c- No, Native Americans weren’t the original environmentalists.
18d- Review of Mother Earth: An American Story.
19a- Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?; Section II.
19b- Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric.;view=fulltext
19c- The Smallpox-infected Blankets.
20a- Old World vs. New: The First Battles Between Native North Americans and Europeans.
20b- The Indian Wars in the Colonies.
20c- King Philip’s War: Indian Chieftain’s War Against the New England Colonies.
20d- Indian Warfare - War Methods and Tactics.
21- Census Office: Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the United States (1890) p.637-8.
22- Osborn, William M. (2001). The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee. Cited here:
23- Squanto and the Pilgrims: On Planting Corn "in the manner of the Indians" by Lynn Ceci, in The invented Indian.
24- Historical Census Statistics On Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For Large Cities And Other Urban Places In The United States; Table A-1. Race and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 1790 to 1990.
25- Whites Did Not Benefit from Slavery (Not Even at the Time).
26a- Slaves in America Would’ve Been Slaves in Africa Anyway.
26b- Summary: Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800.
27a- The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain.
27b- White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves – Bet you didn’t know that did you?
28a- The Racial Tithe.
28b- Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity.
28c- The Myth of American Meritocracy.
28d- Testing standards lowered by affirmative action.
See also: 14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America
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